Everyone relies on a good comfortable mattresses for sleeping and relaxing, but what happens when it gets dirty? When it comes to cleaning and caring for mattresses, not many of us know what to do to prevent mites, germs, and allergens from interfering with our sleep. Much like every piece of furniture in your home, you need to keep your mattress clean. After all, people spend over a third of their lives on a mattress, so it’s essential to take care of your mattress in order for it to last longer. After all, a new mattress is a big investment, and you want to do everything you can to take good care of it.

The following are a few suggestions to help you care for your mattress and make it last longer.

The following are a few tips to use as preventative measures:

• Don’t allow the interior padding to get wet.
• You can dry your mattress outside if it’s warm enough. You can also use a fan or blow dryer to dry out any wet areas.
• To clean your mattress, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner (with an upholstery attachment), upholstery shampoo, mild detergent, water, sponges, a mattress cover, and a fan.